Promote Youtube Videos With 15 Secret Tips That Are Very Effective

You can use a variety of methods to promote your YouTube videos. Nobody tells you how to get more subscribers on YouTube. They will only show you what everyone else is preaching.


Follow these top 15 video promotion tips for your YouTube channel promotion.

1. Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are the best ways to promote YouTube videos. However, this is listed as a first step because so many people already do it with their YouTube channel promotion.

However, if the video is not pushed, most of you will probably do it wrong. If you want more views, you might put them in a Facebook group with several other YouTubers, even though you have nothing to do with YouTube.

Do you think that group and those people will be the best people to promote your video? Probably, not. Initially, you'll see a few subscribers and views, but those aren't long-term returning subscribers. So those individuals won't be there to cheer you on the next time you post a video. Because you only gain exposure for one video and don't get any long-term subscribers, it's the same as using sub4sub.

For instance, you are making YouTube videos about helping ladies lose weight.

In that case, you should explore Facebook groups related to that topic-specific keyword. Consider how active your group's members are rather than how many members there are.

The best way to promote YouTube videos is to join a social media community with active members, connect with their content by liking, commenting, making friends, and then post your own videos to become more visible to the group.

Be sure to keep track of which subjects in your group are most popular so that you may re-create them and use them to promote YouTube videos.

2. Don't embed the video within the post

To promote a YouTube video, ensure you don't embed it within the post. Instead, put the YouTube video link directly in the post. Suppose you embed the video, and people go via it on Facebook or another platform. In that case, it won't be counted as a YouTube video view. So, ensure you don't embed it within the post.

By putting your YouTube video link in the post, you simply push traffic to your channel, which counts as a view. Viewers may subscribe to your channel if they want to, which would help you promote your YouTube channel.

3. Share your videos on Blogs/Forums/Reddit/Quora and Q&A sites

Several bloggers and forums offer YouTube promotion services to promote YouTube videos. By using their services, you can also be highlighted on their blogs. For your YouTube channel promotion, look for forums and blogs. All media and blogs seek information that will keep their audiences engaged and allow them to continue contributing regularly.

So that's where you compose an email, which should be listed on their pages. Most of the time, if you go to their website, they will have a contact page where you can go and try to locate their email address, or you may have to ask for it, which is perfectly acceptable and something you can do for your YouTube channel promotion.

Then write them a pleasant email in which you are entirely honest and straightforward, stating something like, "Hey, I appreciate your site. I believe this video will benefit your audience and provide a lot of value to them," they're more inclined to share it. Now you may think, what makes this work? People frequently visit online groups and forums to find material or answer their questions. Your videos may help with both of these things. For example, you've posted a video on a keto diet and then gone to Quora to hunt for questions regarding the diet. Then, utilize your video to assist people in answering those questions.

4. Stick to one niche at a time

One of the most important aspects of YouTube channel promotion is channel relevancy.

When you simultaneously upload videos from many niches and categories, the YouTube algorithm becomes confused about posting what type of material. Believe it or not, the YouTube A9 algorithm determines the relevancy of your channel's videos. For example, suppose you produce tech tutorials and start producing pranks, humorous films, and documentaries. In that case, these movies are unlikely to rank or be suggested by YouTube.

So, stick to one niche for a while, then move on to another. As time passes, YouTube will develop new relevancy for your channel, which will most likely help in your YouTube channel promotion.

5. Follow the trend

You can't gather a lot of attention for a trend that has been completely ignored or forgotten. For example, when fidget spinners first appeared in review videos, they attracted millions of views and searches. Still, only a few people are looking for them, and their numbers are also dropping. Take that as an example. You won't gain any views if you start making movies on old games, trends, or anything else. So, you must follow the directions by keeping up with current events and try to go in a niche that has to trend the whole year, like tech.

6. Promote your YouTube channel on social media platforms

Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are all great places to promote YouTube channels if they are dedicated to the target audience and subject matter as your YouTube channel. For example, for Instagram stories, you can share a few seconds of a YouTube video you've uploaded or post a thumbnail and write "link in bio" on it, which will take viewers to your YouTube channel. YouTube video promotion will be boosted as a result.

7. Work on quality equipment, quality content, and SEO

Nobody cares how little money you have; folks come on YouTube for quality entertainment; they will not return if they get disappointed with your content quality. Therefore, to market and promote the youtube channel, you must provide high-quality content.

Maintain a fresh theme for your background, constantly upgrade your location, and have a quality camera capable of shooting 1080p at 120 frames per second and a good microphone. You must also have a bright light to ensure your video is clear. Suppose you produce high-quality work and add value. In that case, people will come to you, and you should advertise yourself aggressively. Begin with finding a video in your niche that is already really famous. Then, take what's already great about that video and improve it by improving the following:

  1. Graphics and animation
  2. Quality of the video
  3. Quality of the audio
  4. Quality of the video

The goal is not to rip the original video but to enhance it 10x more for the upcoming YouTube video promotion.

Once the new video is complete, it's time to optimize SEO.

For instance, you want to include the exact keywords as the famous video in your title, description, and tags; if you do this correctly, your video will begin to appear alongside the popular video, and a certain percentage of viewers will click over to watch your video; this will undoubtedly help promote YouTube video.

8. Collaborate with other YouTube channels

Collaboration with another YouTuber will help you reach new audiences. You can guest post on other channels or create content with other YouTubers. A video published on another channel is like an endorsement.

This simple approach can get you in front of thousands of new viewers. People who see your guest video are super likely to subscribe to your channel. This strategy does wonder in YouTube channel promotion.

Adding a comment to a competitor's YouTube video is another way to promote your channel. The reason you're so eager to start uploading videos to YouTube is that you'll be joining a community and a particular niche. So, if you're not well-known, the easiest approach to break into that community is to engage with the audience that already exists on your competitor's channel. Don't spam the community by asking for sub4subs or liking this video; instead, provide value by engaging the audience in the comment area by answering their questions.

9. Boost your videos CTR

Since the CTR is so important for two reasons, we'll go ahead and call it the "click-through rate" or CTR. Firstly, more views are associated with a higher CTR. A video that ranks fourth on Google for your target term and has a 5% click-through rate would be an example. With a click-through rate of 12%, your video will receive 2.4 times more views without you needing to rank higher or do any other promotion. Second, the YouTube algorithm uses CTR as a ranking factor.

The YouTube algorithm generally prefers to promote videos that receive many hits. In truth, the creator of YouTube claims that YouTube recommends content that people are interested in. So, the best way to get high CTR is to create super colorful and attractive thumbnails to stand out.

10. The sequel technique

Nothing beats binge-watching for increasing watch time. Video Series playlists are one of the finest ways to achieve this, but they are a little-used feature on YouTube. To utilize them, though, you must first create a series. You may create a series based on well-performing content. Indeed, many popular YouTube channels have many series, each with a different topic focus and even a different thumbnail picture style.

This is an excellent method for attracting new subscribers and keeping them interested in future videos. This is a killer technique for returning subscribers and keeping them curious and engaged for upcoming videos.

11. Re-optimize your older videos

You can't modify or update an existing YouTube video. Still, you can always go back and change the title, description, tags, cards, end screen, and thumbnail. To be clear, this isn't some magic bullet that can instantly make an old video go popular. However, it can help some of your older videos gain a few more views each month.

12. Ask your viewers to subscribe with a call to action

This is a practical approach to turn more viewers into subscribers on your YouTube channel. Recommends this strategy. All you need to do here is ask the people to subscribe to your channel directly at the end of your video. In other words, you don't want to say "Like, comment, and subscribe" casually. Comments are good, and likes are fine, but subscribers are the lifeblood of your channel. Therefore, it's important asking them to subscribe directly. So, at the end of your video, encourage your audience to subscribe right away.

Final Thought

Navigating the world of YouTube promotion can be complex, but with a structured strategy, you can make your YouTube channel and videos stand out. Effective ways to promote your YouTube videos range from optimizing video content and titles to using YouTube SEO. You should also promote your YouTube channel across social videos and through advertisements.

Don't underestimate the power of YouTube analytics; it helps you get more views on YouTube by tailoring your video content to what your audience likes. YouTube offers both free and paid ways to promote your channel. Free methods include optimizing your channel page, adding tags to your videos, and engaging with viewers on your channel. For a more aggressive approach, consider paid YouTube ads, long-form video content, and cross-promoting your videos on other platforms.

Get started with YouTube promotion by tapping into YouTube's algorithm, which uses engagement metrics to rank videos. Optimize your video descriptions, link back to your channel, and encourage people to subscribe to your channel for better visibility. Experiment with YouTube live and run YouTube contests to keep viewers engaged.

The key takeaway is to grow your YouTube channel organically by producing high-quality videos, leveraging YouTube analytics, and employing a mix of free and paid promotion tactics. Aim to create a YouTube presence that not only gets eyes on your videos but also keeps viewers on your channel. Your journey to becoming a successful YouTube content creator starts with these foundational steps. Keep learning, adapt, and watch your channel soar.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Quality Content: The foundation of YouTube video promotion is creating engaging and valuable video content that keeps viewers coming back to your channel.

  2. Optimize Video Title and Description: Leveraging keywords in your video title and YouTube descriptions can significantly help in increasing video views.

  3. Tags and Categories: Use YouTube analytics and add tags to your videos and categorize them properly to help YouTube understand what your videos are about, making them easier to discover.

  4. Engagement is Key: YouTube uses engagement metrics like likes, comments, and subscribers to rank videos. Make sure to ask people to like, comment, and subscribe to your channel.

  5. Utilize YouTube SEO: Effective ways to promote your videos include making use of YouTube SEO techniques like keyword optimization to increase your online video presence.

  6. Social Media Promotion: Cross-promote your videos on other social media platforms to get more eyes on your videos and drive traffic back to your YouTube channel.

  7. YouTube Ads: For a paid route, YouTube ads can be an effective way to promote your YouTube videos and channel, targeting the right-hand sidebar of videos for maximum visibility.

  8. Collaborate and Cross-Promote: Consider collaborating with popular YouTube creators in your niche to cross-promote your videos and tap into their audience.

  9. Track with Analytics: Use YouTube analytics to gauge the effectiveness of your promotional strategies. Metrics like views, watch time, and engagement are crucial to understand how your videos are performing.

  10. Consistency is Crucial: Regularly uploading new videos keeps viewers engaged with your channel, and a consistent schedule helps grow your YouTube channel over time.

  11. CTA's and End Screens: Add calls to action and use end screens to direct viewers back to your channel, or to watch more videos on your channel, which in turn helps to increase video views.

  12. YouTube Live and Contests: Use YouTube live video for real-time engagement and consider hosting a YouTube contest to encourage people to check out your YouTube channel and engage with your videos.

  13. Free and Paid Strategies: Both free YouTube banners and paid promotion on YouTube have their places. Choose based on your goals, audience, and budget.

  14. Subscriber Engagement: Keeping subscribers engaged with regular content and active community posts can lead to a more successful YouTube channel.

  15. Visibility Through Google Ads: Leverage Google ads to promote your YouTube channel and videos, effectively reaching your target audience for better engagement rates.

Whether you're looking to promote a YouTube channel or individual videos, these key takeaways can serve as a comprehensive guide to ensure you get more views, subscribers, and overall engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Promoting YouTube Videos

In the digital age, creating a YouTube video is only half the battle; the real challenge lies in promoting it effectively to get maximum visibility. Whether you're a seasoned YouTuber or a beginner, you likely have questions about how best to promote your videos. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on how to elevate your YouTube video promotion game.

Q. How to promote a YouTube video?

-Answer: Promoting a YouTube video involves a mix of strategies that include SEO optimization, sharing it on social media, collaborating with other creators, and possibly using paid advertisements. Each strategy targets different avenues of exposure to attract more viewers and engagement to your video.

Q. How to promote YouTube video?

-Answer: Promoting a YouTube video generally involves the same strategies as above. You can also leverage YouTube's built-in features like cards and end screens to guide viewers to your other content. Always engage with your audience through comments and encourage them to like, share, and subscribe.

Q. How to promote your YouTube video?

-Answer: To promote your specific YouTube video, consider using targeted keywords in your video title and description. Share your video on all your social media channels and consider sending out an email blast if you have an email list. You can also use Google Ads to run a targeted ad campaign for your video.

Q. How to promote your video on YouTube?

-Answer: Apart from on-platform YouTube features, consider collaborating with other YouTube creators in your niche. This could involve shoutouts or even joint videos that appeal to both audiences. You can also make use of YouTube's 'Premiere' feature to create anticipation before the video is publicly available.

Q. How to promote a video on YouTube?

-Answer: Promoting a video on YouTube can also include the use of third-party platforms and influencer partnerships. If your content is specific to a niche, consider sharing it on niche-specific forums or websites. Some people also opt for YouTube video promotion services, which can drive more views to your videos for a fee.

Remember, effective promotion involves a multi-faceted approach. Consistency, quality, and engagement are key.

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